If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Kellie De Leo, Director of Faith Formation at 949-494-9701 x8535 or [email protected].
What Is Christian Initiation?
Christian Initiation is the journey of becoming a fully participating member in the life and community of the Catholic Church. Initiation involves preparation for the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist, celebrated on the greatest feast day of the Church – Easter Vigil. This preparation is a process which extends over time, based on the needs, questions, and situation of the individual seeking to be initiated.
Who enters the process of Christian Initiation?
o Those who are un-baptized and seeking to become informed about Catholicism.
o Those who are baptized in another faith tradition and seeking to become informed about Catholicism or who have already decided to become Roman Catholic.
o Those who are baptized Catholics who have not participated in the life and faith of the Church and seek to now complete their initiation through Confirmation and Eucharist.
What are the requirements for entering OCIA?
A sincere desire to seek one’s relationship with God and with the people of God, and a desire to possibly become Catholic.
What can I expect from the Initiation process?
o reflective discussion and open forum type question and answer sessions
o scripture based faith-sharing and familiarity with Catholic doctrine
o instructional sessions regarding the basics of Catholicism
o participation in various rituals and liturgical prayer experiences
o mornings or evenings of reflection and one day retreat
o support from the team, the pastoral staff, and your sponsors throughout the process